This project is about my childhood, specifically linked to Norway. I choose pictures of myself as a child, either on holidays in Scandinavia, either with my maternal Norwegian grandparents. Each picture is then embroidered on a fabric linked directly to it.
The beautiful side of the embroidery is sewed on the negative side of the fabric; there is the idea to be able to read the blanket in a circular manner, where there isn’t a bad or better reading way. We can see the desire to link the positive and negative aspect of the childhood, but also the memories of it.
The second part of the work is about intimate elements; I choose to embroider a picture of myself using the object chosen, as a mise en abîme of the context and the element.
Thus, there is the wish to fix the memories and objects in time, in order to never forget them, but also to give them a second life and another temporality.
-For instance, the picture of my siblings and I was taken in Denmark, on holidays. The fabric on which it is embroidered was the sheet which we were sleeping with.
-The picture of my grandmother and I as a baby, is embroidered on a fabric that she used to own once.
-The little dress was my first painting apron when I used to paint as a small child. The embroidered picture was one of myself when I was painting with the apron, a long time ago.
-The bag with the cats pattern was my bag in which I used to put my gymnastics slippers. The embroidered picture was taken during a gym show, back then.